The Sunway TaihuLight supercomputer has been installed for several years and many applications have been ported or built for TaihuLight. Initially most applications running on TaihuLight are with regular memory access patterns, such as dense linear algebra, structured grids and dynamic programming. At the year of 2018, developers have published a general purpose graph processing framework, a ported version of LAMMPS and a sparse triangular solver. These applications are with irregular memory access patterns which need a lot of special processings to make use of the computing processing elements (CPEs) of TaihuLight. While those strategies are efficient, doing such processing may be difficult for wider range of applications, especially for the constantly changing molecular dynamics applications or dynamic unstructured grids. In this paper, we present our work of designing a general purpose software cache library, SWCache, for simplifying the work of applying software cache in kernels, as well as a series of tools for tuning and modelling the performance of our software cache. After a series of optimizations including reordering branches for better branch prediction, hand-tuning register allocation, we evaluate our implementation in two mini-apps: miniFE and miniMD. Experiments show that our tuned software cache library can be applied in these applications, and can provide 20% speedup in miniMD compared to the strategies in a previous port of LAMMPS. Also, the workload of writing code can be reduced by using our library. Besides, the experience of efficient macro-based programming should be valuable for further application development on CPEs which are lack of C++ support.

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A reading assemblies in this paper
There are several class of instructions mentioned in Figs. 7 and 10, we describe them here for helping reading our paper:
Binary operations: take 3 or 4 operands, former registers is source register and last register is destination. These instructions contains add, sub, and, bic, s8addl, sll, srl, with optional w/l suffixes for identifying the operation is on integer/long. s8addl a, b, c is equivalent to \(c= 8 \cdot a + b\), and bic a, r, c is equivalent to \(c = a \wedge \lnot b\). sll/srl is logical shift to the left/right.
Memory operations: take two register operands and a constant offset like op dest, offset(base), the base + offset forms the memory address. ld/st with a w/l suffixes are loading and storing integer/long. vldd is vector load, and faaw fetch a 32-bit integer from shared memory and add the data in shared memory by 1 atomically. ldi is simply dest = base + offset, this is helpful for adding a larger constant to a register.
Vector manipulation: vextf a, b, c extracts bth 64-bit element from vector register a to the lowest bits of register c, vinsf a, b, c, d inserts a to cth 64-bit element of vector b and the result is written in vector d.
B usage of dma_macros.h
dma_macros.h has been widely used to avoid DMA problems mentioned in §4.1.3.
1.1 B.1 Initialization
To initialize dma_macros.h, we provide two preprocessor switches to control the underlying implementation of those macros:
DMA_FAST: Use DMA intrinsics directly instead of calling athread library.
DMA_COUNT_BYTES: Add DMA interception to record bytes transferred via DMA.
These switches is turned off by default. Either writing define directives in the code or defining in compiler command line can turn on these switches. An example of directive based approach is shown in Fig. 18. For compiler command line arguments, just add \({\texttt {-D<switch\_name>}}\) to the compiler argument, like \({\texttt {sw5cc -slave -DDMA\_FAST <your-file>.c}}\).
Beyond including the header file and turn these switches, another thing is defining corresponding variables in a user function, this can be done by expanding macro dma_init() at the beginning of an user function.
1.2 B.2 Available macros
\({\texttt {<mode>\_<op>(mem, ldm, size)}}\): send DMA request, transfer size bytes between mem and ldm. op can be get or put, mode can be pe, row, rank, bcast, brow. Valid combinations is shown in Table 3
dma_syn(): wait for pending DMA requests to be finished.
dma_set_stride(mode, stride, bsize): set stride and block size of a specific DMA mode, considering users may access several arrays with the same structure, we separate stride setting and request sending.
bcast_set_mask(mode, mask): set broadcast mask of corresponding DMA mode, valid modes are bcast and brow. Default mask value is 0xff.
dma_reset_stride(mode): set stride and block size to 0 for corresponding DMA mode.
bcast_reset_mask(mode): set broadcast mask to 0xff for corresponding DMA mode.
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Duan, X., Zhang, M., Liu, W. et al. Tuning a general purpose software cache library for TaihuLight’s SW26010 processor. CCF Trans. HPC 2, 164–182 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s42514-020-00031-y
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s42514-020-00031-y