Traditionally, the robot manipulators were assigned a monotonous task. Therefore, in an aim of simplifying the interactions between unstructured surrounding and robots, as well as to carry out the more complex operations, cognitive abilities such as visual perception are appended to systems for the sake of intelligent operations. Hence, this article directed towards the multistage process involved in the design and development of vision-based robot manipulator suitable for pick and place operation in real-time entailing external disturbances. The intact system development occurs in three phases: first, the robot manipulator with 3-DOF is designed, developed and also enhanced by integrating the vision source. Second, an algorithm for object detection and localization in real time is framed in which segmented object matrices are returned by the former and the position of the stabilized object is returned by the latter. Third, entire hardware–software integration is achieved to perform the desired operation. The algorithm developed in this paper proves to be good for the developed vision-based manipulator, as we achieve quite a good accuracy in object detection algorithm whereas 98.41–99.12% accuracy is achieved in the object localization algorithm.

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The authors are grateful to the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Chitkara University Punjab, India, for providing the required platform and facilities for conducting experimental work in the Robotics and Mechatronics Research Laboratory at their premises.
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Batra, V., Kumar, V. Real-Time Object Detection and Localization for Vision-Based Robot Manipulator. SN COMPUT. SCI. 2, 175 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s42979-021-00561-4
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s42979-021-00561-4