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CNN Architectures for Geometric Transformation-Invariant Feature Representation in Computer Vision: A Review

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One of the main challenges in machine vision relates to the problem of obtaining robust representation of visual features that remain unaffected by geometric transformations. This challenge arises naturally in many practical machine vision tasks. For example, in mobile robot applications like simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) and visual tracking, object shapes change depending on their orientation in the 3D world, camera proximity, viewpoint, or perspective. In addition, natural phenomena such as occlusion, deformation, and clutter can cause geometric appearance changes of the underlying objects, leading to geometric transformations of the resulting images. Recently, deep learning techniques have proven very successful in visual recognition tasks but they typically perform poorly with small data or when deployed in environments that deviate from training conditions. While convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have inherent representation power that provides a high degree of invariance to geometric image transformations, they are unable to satisfactorily handle nontrivial transformations. In view of this limitation, several techniques have been devised to extend CNNs to handle these situations. This article reviews some of the most promising approaches to extend CNN architectures to handle nontrivial geometric transformations. Key strengths and weaknesses, as well as the application domains of the various approaches are also highlighted. The review shows that although an adequate model for generalized geometric transformations has not yet been formulated, several techniques exist for solving specific problems. Using these methods, it is possible to develop task-oriented solutions to deal with nontrivial transformations.

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The individual contributions of authors to this manuscript is specified below. AM: conceived the study and formulated the original problem. FM: helped in providing the initial direction of the work. Both authors jointly developed the methodology and categorized common approaches for encoding geometric transformation invariance. AM: surveyed approaches to transformation invariance in general contexts (that is, affine and arbitrary transformations). In addition, he analyzed the various methods and architectures for rotation-equivariance, surveyed new research and development trends relating to the design of deep convolutional neural network architectures. FM: principally surveyed approaches for symmetry group equivariance, as well as techniques for encoding invariance in single transformations (specifically, scale, rotation and projective transformations). Both authors jointly design the artwork for the illustrations. The authors also equally participated in drafting the manuscript and its subsequent revisions.

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Correspondence to Alhassan Mumuni.

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Mumuni, A., Mumuni, F. CNN Architectures for Geometric Transformation-Invariant Feature Representation in Computer Vision: A Review. SN COMPUT. SCI. 2, 340 (2021).

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