It is evident that the Online Social Network (OSN) has become a platform to express human emotions. The proposed Improved Depression Recovery Motivation Recommendation System (I-DRMRS) monitors people in depression through OSN posts and accelerates the life-saving process. The research objectives of the I-DRMRS are reducing the suicidal death rate, improving the prediction accuracy, reducing the False Positive (FP) rate and accelerating the process of identifying the suicidal (sybil) thought people. The I-DRMRS consists of three tasks. Task-1: clustering—location-based clustering and assigning the psychiatrists for every cluster, Task-2: classification—consists of both the rigorously trained TensorFlow (TF) image and the TensorFlow (TF) text classifier to detect suicidal thinking person’s considering the images and texts they post in OSN on a daily basis as {suicidal—‘s’, non-suicidal—‘ns’}. Task-3: motivator module (M-Module) and Alarm FOaF—the result of the classifier module is given as feedback to the psychiatrists assigned to each cluster. Psychiatrists motivate the suicidal thought person for a time period T, and monitor emotion shifts. The alarm is given to the suicidal thought person’s Friend Of a Friend (FOaF) if no improvement is monitored by psychiatrists even after the M-Module has been implemented. The Facebook dataset extracted by the beautiful soup (Python) is used. The performance analysis shows 97% accuracy, 1% false positive (FP) rate, 0% false negative (FN) rate, 95% true positive (TP) rate and 98.7% true negative (TN) rate.

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Nedunchezhian, P., Mahalingam, M. The Improved Depression Recovery Motivation Recommendation System (I-DRMRS) in Online Social Networks. SN COMPUT. SCI. 3, 166 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s42979-022-01047-7
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s42979-022-01047-7