Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) adoption in organizations continues to grow in recent years, with the aim to improve both organization cost-saving, employee job satisfaction, and employee productivity. A BYOD environment has its unique set of organizational security opportunities and challenges. As a result, BYOD program deployment requires organizations to develop and rollout new information security measures and policies unique to this environment. Successful adoption of BYOD thus requires an effective BYOD information security program deployment. Our study seeks to develop a theoretical foundation for explaining and predicting the effectiveness of a BYOD program deployment. Specifically, we evaluate the applicability of Knapp and Ferrante’s Information Security Policy and Effectiveness (ISPE) model to explain and predict BYOD program deployment effectiveness. The relationships between the fundamental causal factors in the model, namely awareness, enforcement, and maintenance, and the program effectiveness, were evaluated using a sample of 119 BYOD users working in the financial sector in the United States. Our study supports the use of the ISPE model to assess the effectiveness of a BYOD information security program deployment. Security policy awareness, enforcement, and maintenance together account for 72% of the change in the BYOD security program effectiveness.
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An earlier version of this paper was published in the Proceedings 8th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2021).
This article is part of the topical collection “Information Systems Security and Privacy” guest edited by Steven Furnell and Paolo Mori.
Appendix A
Survey Instrument
Items used a 5-point Likert scale: 1 = strongly disagree, 5 = strongly agree (Knapp, Marshall, Rainer, & Ford, 2005). Each item begins with the phrase, “In the organization”.
Information Security Program Effectiveness
E1 The information security program achieves most of its goals.
E2 The information security program accomplishes its most important objectives.
E3 Generally speaking, information is sufficiently protected.
E4 Overall, the information security program is effective.
E5 The information security program has kept risks to a minimum.
Policy Awareness
PA1 Employees clearly understand the ramifications of violating security policies.
PA2 Necessary efforts are made to educate employees about new security policies.
PA3 Information security awareness is communicated well.
PA4 An effective security awareness program exists.
PA5 A continuous, ongoing security awareness program exists.
Policy Enforcement
PE1 Employees caught violating important security policies are appropriately corrected.
PE2 Information security rules are enforced by sanctioning the employees who break them.
PE3 Repeat security offenders are appropriately disciplined.
PE4 Termination is a consideration for employees who repeatedly break security rules.
Policy Maintenance
PM1 Information security policy is consistently updated on a periodic basis.
PM2 Information security policy is updated when technology changes require it.
PM3 An established information security policy review and update process exists.
PM4 Security policy is properly updated on a regular basis.
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Akande, A.O., Tran, V.N. A Theoretical Foundation for Explaining and Predicting the Effectiveness of a Bring Your Own Device Program in Organizations. SN COMPUT. SCI. 3, 370 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s42979-022-01272-0
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s42979-022-01272-0