Adversarial attack techniques have taken a firm stand against the capabilities of deep neural networks, rendering them less efficient in performing their functions. Various kind of attacks have been studied and appropriate defense mechanisms have been proposed in the Computer Vision and Image Processing domains. The progress in Intrusion Detection System (IDS) domain is relatively less although it is gaining momentum lately. One of the concerns in the IDS domain is that most of the research work has been carried out using old datasets. There is a need to study the properties of newer benchmark datasets and analyze their characteristics under adversarial settings. Contemporary datasets include modern network behaviors and attack scenarios, which help IDSs perform well in modern networks. The more realistic a dataset is, the more efficient it can make an IDS model in a real environment. This paper addresses the said concern by conducting a study on recent datasets in the light of adversarial perturbations. We analyze how various adversarial attack algorithms, under white box settings, impact contemporary IDS datasets, namely, UNSW-NB15, Bot-IoT, and CSE-CIC-IDS2018. This paper summarizes the study and discusses how various classification algorithms perform when an IDS model is trained with each of the chosen datasets. The results included in the paper indicate that the adversarial examples are successful in decreasing the detection capabilities of the IDS models covered in the study. We provide a conclusion based on the evaluation results and share thoughts on the direction in which we are headed for future work.

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Pujari, M., Pacheco, Y., Cherukuri, B. et al. A Comparative Study on the Impact of Adversarial Machine Learning Attacks on Contemporary Intrusion Detection Datasets. SN COMPUT. SCI. 3, 412 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s42979-022-01321-8
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s42979-022-01321-8