Fake reviews detection is a considerable challenge to the different e-commerce and online business settings. This task aims to develop such systems that could ensure the veracity of reviews. The research community has made a range of attempts to deal with this issue. But unluckily, these attempts were geared to only small set of languages like English, Arabic, and some others. In the subcontinent, Roman Urdu is being used on the web. It has not been explored thoroughly for this task, however. On the other hand, over the last few years, deep learning methods have proved very successful for the diverse Natural Language Processing tasks. But, deep learning methods have not been explored for the Roman Urdu fake review detection task. To address this gap, this study has rendered a two-fold contribution (1) Construction of a novel Roman Urdu Fake Reviews Detection Corpus (RU-FRDC) which composes 5150 annotated reviews and (2) Comparison of various deep learning architectures including Simple RNN, LSTM, GRU, Bi-LSTM, and Bi-GRU. The evaluation has been carried out using widely used evaluation measures, i.e., Precision, Recall, \(F_1\), and ACC-ROC. The highest results were achieved using the stacked LSTM model (ACC - ROC = 0.943 and \(F_1 = 0.88\)).

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Data Availability Statements The complete code and dataset developed and/or evaluated during the current study are available on https://comsatsnlpgroup.wordpress.com/.
These experiments used Keras (https://keras.io/) to implement Deep Learning models. According to the specifications of Keras, Embedding schema layer can only utilize an initial layer of the model, as presented in this study. The Keras embedding schema layer has been used to represent the sequences as dense embedding [40]. The Embedding schema layer uses one-hot encoding on each review (sentence) [41] by mapping words vector into the low-dimensional space. The embeddings developed by Keras embedding schema are utilized as a feature for the already described stacked LSTM model. On the top of the embedding schema layer, the model included two stacked LSTM layers that used Tanh as the activation function. Each hidden layer has been constituted of fixed 100 LSTM units.
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Mr. Hayat and Mr. Verdag collected data and executed experiments. Dr. Saeed and Mr. Ullah wrote the manuscript. Further, Dr. Saeed supervised the entire research project. Dr. Iqbal proofread the entire manuscript.
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Hayat, U., Saeed, A., Vardag, M.H.K. et al. Roman Urdu Fake Reviews Detection Using Stacked LSTM Architecture. SN COMPUT. SCI. 3, 470 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s42979-022-01385-6
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s42979-022-01385-6