In 6G networks, the computing and storage capabilities of smart devices will experience significant growth. By 2030, it is expected that hundreds of billions of devices will be interconnected worldwide. Future systems will need to support the explosive growth of data traffic, providing ultra-high speeds and ultra-low latency. These stringent requirements demand robust architectures capable of ensuring both performance and security. The increase in data flow within 6G networks necessitates robust security solutions. This paper introduces a cuttingedge architecture that leverages the strengths of blockchain and fog computing to enhance security. The proposed architecture is further integrated with Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) to form a resilient Vehicular Edge Computing (VEC) framework. This VEC system addresses several critical requirements of 6G networks, including the secure and efficient management of resources and data flows. The paper explores a lightweight multi-user authentication scheme for secure vehicular networks, leveraging fog computing and blockchain technology. The proposed solution addresses critical security challenges while maintaining efficient communication within the vehicular ecosystem.

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We thank the LIAOA laboratory at the University of Oum El Bouaghi, which provided technical support for this publication.
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Dr. Sourour Maalem led the study design, hypothesis formulation, and drafting of the initial manuscript. Dr. Makhlouf Derdour supervised data collection and the critical review of the manuscript. Dr. Akram Bennour contributed to the study revision and the methodological sections of the manuscript. Dr. Sahraoui Abdelatif provided overall supervision of the study, coordinated the research efforts, and conducted the final revision of the manuscript for publication. All authors have read and approved the final manuscript and consented to its submission.
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Maalem, S., Derdour, M., Bennour, A. et al. A Multi-Level Blockchain-Based Architecture for Securing and Controlling Data Flow in 6G Networks. SN COMPUT. SCI. 5, 1165 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s42979-024-03548-z
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s42979-024-03548-z