As Big Data is crucial to the competition and growth of companies, this paper considers a multi-stage supply chain with one Big Data company, multiple manufacturers, and one retailer. Demands of different products are dependent on the price and volume of each other, and such information can be obtained by the Big Data company at a cost. Manufacturers will purchase the demand information from the Big Data company and produce and sell products to the retailer. We intend to examine interactions among these firms. Specifically, various power structures are considered, and the equilibrium pricing decisions are analyzed and expressed explicitly through theoretical study. Effects of parameters under different power structures are explored and compared with each other through both special case studies and numerical experiments. This study enables the derivation of managerial insights related to Big Data that are useful for practical applications.

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The authors declare that we do not use any data set in this study.
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This study was funded by Ministry of Education Program in Humanities and Social Sciences (No. 20YJC630226); the New Teacher Research Start-up Foundation of Shenzhen University [No. 00000270 and 000002110167]; the Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province (No. 2018A030313938).
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This work was supported by Ministry of Education Program in Humanities and Social Sciences (Project name: Research on competition and coordination of retailer’s dual-channel supply chains with multiple products, grant No. 20YJC630226); the New Teacher Research Start-up Foundation of Shenzhen University [grant numbers 00000270 and 000002110167]; the Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province (No. 2018A030313938).
1.1 Proof of Theorem 1
The profit of the retailer is
The first-order derivatives of Eq. (9) are
Similarly, the second-order derivatives are
Assume that \(\theta '+\theta\) and \(\mathbf {B}\theta '(\theta '+\theta )^{-1}\theta [\theta '(\theta '+\theta )^{-1}\theta +D]^{-1}D\mathbf {B}\) are negative definite and that the diagonal elements of \(\theta '(\theta '+\theta )^{-1}\theta\) are negative. It can be derived from [36] that the optimal values of \(p^*\) can be obtained by making Eq. (10) equal 0 since the second-order derivative matrix is negative semi-definite under the adopted assumption. The result is shown as follows:
The profit of manufacturer m is
Let A be the matrix whose principal diagonal elements are \(\omega _m-c_m-p_m^b\beta _m\) and the other elements are 0. Then Eq. (12) can be expressed in vector space as follows:
where \(\Pi _m=(\pi _1,\pi _2,\ldots ,\pi _M)'\).
Based on Eq. (11), it can be concluded that
Let B and C be the vector whose elements are the principal diagonal of \(A\theta '\frac{\partial \rho ^*}{\partial \omega }\) and \(2\theta '\frac{\partial \rho ^*}{\partial \omega }\), respectively. Then, the first- and the second-order derivatives of Eq. (13) regarding \(\omega\) are
Therefore, given the adopted assumption, the optimal wholesale price \(\omega ^*\) can be obtained by making Eq. (15) equal 0, and there exists
where D is a diagonal matrix whose principal diagonal elements are the same as \(\theta '(\theta '+\theta )^{-1}\theta\), and \(\mathbf {B}\) is a diagonal matrix whose principal diagonal elements are \(\beta\).
The profit of the Big Data company is
there exist
Let Eq. (20) equal 0, and there exists
Based on Eqs. (11), (17) and (21), the explicit expressions of the equilibrium solution can be obtained.
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Zhao, Y., Yi, Z. Pricing of a Three-Stage Supply Chain with a Big Data Company. Oper. Res. Forum 2, 55 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s43069-021-00078-9
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s43069-021-00078-9