The coronavirus, known as COVID-19, is a worldwide disease that has become a fascinating topic for researchers. COVID-19 is rapidly affecting the world and putting pressure on sections of society. Solutions based on new technologies are very efficient. The Internet of Things plays an essential role in many areas, including medical care and health systems. Data such as a patient’s heartbeat, hypertension, oxygen saturation, and temp are relayed through this system in exceptional cases. Nodes with low power consumption on the patient’s body regularly produce reports for the medical center. The unbalanced power consumption of nodes may make it difficult to transfer data to data centers. Therefore, a robust routing protocol is essential for communication and minimizes the power usage of devices. Clustering is one of the most effective routing algorithms for reducing energy usage and extending system lifetime. According to the NP-Hard structure of clustering, a black widow optimization technique and a harmony search algorithm are developed in this article to pick the intermediate and cluster head nodes necessary for routing, respectively. In terms of network lifespan, power consumption, latency, and active and inactive nodes, NS-3 simulation results indicated that the suggested technique outperforms chicken swarm optimization, multipath optimized link state routing, grey wolf optimization, and genetic algorithm. The proposed strategy reduces network energy consumption as well as latency by at least 10% and 11%, respectively, compared to current clustering techniques.

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Sadrishojaei, M., Kazemian, F. Clustered Routing Scheme in IoT During COVID-19 Pandemic Using Hybrid Black Widow Optimization and Harmony Search Algorithm. Oper. Res. Forum 5, 47 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s43069-024-00331-x
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s43069-024-00331-x