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Efficient structured pruning based on deep feature stabilization

  • S.I. : DICTA 2019
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Neural Computing and Applications Aims and scope Submit manuscript


The application of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) in computer vision highly depends on the consumption of computation and memory resources, which affects its development on resource-limited devices. Accordingly, CNN compression has attracted increasing attention. In this paper, we propose an efficient end-to-end pruning method based on feature stabilization (EPFS), which is feasible to be implemented for structured pruning such as filter pruning and block pruning. For block pruning, we introduce a mask to scale the output of structures and the \(\ell _1\)-regularization term to sparsify the mask. For filter pruning, a novel \(\ell _2\)-regularization term is proposed to constraint the mask along with the \(\ell _1\)-regularization. Besides, we introduce the Center Loss to stabilize the deep feature and fast iterative shrinkage-thresholding algorithm (FISTA) to accelerate the convergence of mask. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superiority of our EPFS. On CIFAR-10, EPFS saves \(47.5\%\) FLOPs on VGGNet with \(1.17\%\) Top-1 accuracy increase. Furthermore, on ImageNet ILSVRC2012, EPFS reduces \(55.2\%\) FLOPs on ResNet-18 with o.nly \(1.63\%\) Top-1 accuracy decrease, which promotes the state-of-the-arts.

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Baochang Zhang is also with Shenzhen Academy of Aerospace Technology, Shenzhen, China, and he is the corresponding author. He is in part Supported by Shenzhen Science and Technology Program (No.KQTD2016112515134654). The work was supported by the Natural Science Foundation of China (62076016). Baochang Zhang is in part supported by Shenzhen Science and Technology Program (No.KQTD2016112515134654). This study was supported by Grant NO.2019JZZY011101 from the Key Research and Development Program of Shandong Province to Dianmin Sun.

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Xu, S., Chen, H., Gong, X. et al. Efficient structured pruning based on deep feature stabilization. Neural Comput & Applic 33, 7409–7420 (2021).

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