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An effective image classification method for shallow densely connected convolution networks through squeezing and splitting techniques

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Applied Intelligence Aims and scope Submit manuscript


The main drawbacks of traditional densely connected convolution networks (DenseNet) lie in: complex network models, excessive parameters, a large amount of computational and storage resources, falling into the problem of over-fitting, resulting in low object recognition accuracy. In addition, in the field of fine-grained image classification, the recognition performance is insufficient due to the inadequate representation capability of extracting features. In order to cope with these problems, we propose a novel shallow densely connected convolution networks (called DenseNet-S), it works as: (1) we adopt a shallow network training strategy to degrade the computational complexity and reduce the parameters, in order to avoid excessive number of layers affecting the recognition accuracy; (2) we propose a novel squeeze method to further reduce the network parameters and effectively alleviate the over-fitting phenomena. In addition, we apply the fire module and add the squeeze layer and the expand layer to the convolution module in DenseNet; (3) we employ the factorization technique into small convolutions, which can partition a large two-dimensional convolution into two small one-dimensional convolutions, in order to improve the feature extraction capability and the recognition performance in fine-grained image classification. The effectiveness of DenseNet-S was evaluated by extensive experiments on three benchmark datasets including CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100 and SVHN.

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Fig. 11

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This work is partially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos. 61772091, 61802035; the Natural Science Foundation of Guangxi under Grant Nos. 2018GX NSFDA138005, 2016GXNSFAA380209, 2014GXNSFDA118037; the Project of Scientific Research and Technology Development in Guangxi under Grant Nos. AA18118047, AB16380272, AD18126015, 20175177; the Innovation Project of Guangxi Graduate Education under Grant No. YCSW2017187; the Sichuan Science and Technology Program under Grant Nos. 2018JY0448, 2019YFG0106, 2019YFS0067; the Innovative Research Team Construction Plan in Universities of Sichuan Province under Grant No. 18TD0027; the Scientific Research Foundation for Young Academic Leaders of Chengdu University of Information Technology under Grant No. J201701.

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Yuan, C., Wu, Y., Qin, X. et al. An effective image classification method for shallow densely connected convolution networks through squeezing and splitting techniques. Appl Intell 49, 3570–3586 (2019).

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