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Adaptive spatial-temporal graph attention networks for traffic flow forecasting

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Applied Intelligence Aims and scope Submit manuscript


Traffic flow forecasting, which requires modelling involuted spatial and temporal dependence and uncertainty regarding road networks and traffic conditions, is a challenge for intelligent transportation systems (ITS). Recent studies have mainly focused on modelling spatial-temporal dependence through a fixed weighted graph based on prior knowledge. However, collecting up-to-date and accurate road information is costly. Moreover, is a single fixed graph enough to describe the correlation between sensors? The fixed weighted graph cannot directly relate to prediction tasks, which may result in considerable biases. To tackle this issue, in this paper, we propose a novel deep learning model framework: an adaptive spatial-temporal graph attention network (ASTGAT). Our ASTGAT simultaneously learns the dynamic graph structure and spatial-temporal dependency for traffic flow forecasting. Specifically, our framework consists of two joint training parts: a Network Generator model that generates a discrete graph with the Gumbel-Softmax technique and a Spatial-Temporal model that utilizes the generated network to predict traffic speed. Our Network Generator can adaptively infer the hidden correlations from data. Moreover, we propose a graph talking-heads attention layer (GTHA) for capturing spatial dependencies and design a gate temporal convolution (GTCN) layer for handling long temporal sequences. We evaluated our ASTGAT on two public datasets: METR-LA is collected in Los Angeles and PEMS-BAY is collected in California. Experimental results indicate that our ASTGAT outperforms the state-of-the-art (SOTA) baselines. Finally, to further describe our model, we visualize the forecasting results and the generated graph.

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Fig. 9

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The authors would like to thank the National Natural Science Foundation of China (61876017, 61876018, 61906014) for their support in this research.

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Kong, X., Zhang, J., Wei, X. et al. Adaptive spatial-temporal graph attention networks for traffic flow forecasting. Appl Intell 52, 4300–4316 (2022).

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