We consider wavelength routing networks with and without wavelength converters, and several wavelength allocation policies. Through numerical and simulation results we obtain upper and lower bounds on the blocking probabilities for two wavelength allocation policies that are most likely to be used in practice, namely, most-used and first-fit allocation. These bounds are the blocking probabilities obtained by the random wavelength allocation policy with either no converters or with converters at all nodes of the network. Furthermore, we demonstrate that using the most-used or first-fit policies gives an improvement on call blocking probabilities that is equivalent to employing converters at a number of nodes in a network with the random allocation policy. These results have been obtained for a wide range of loads for both single-path and general mesh topology networks. The main conclusion of our work is that the gains obtained by employing specialized and expensive hardware (namely, wavelength converters) can be realized cost-effectively by making more intelligent choices in software (namely, the wavelength allocation policy).
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Zhu, Y., Rouskas, G.N. & Perros, H.G. A Comparison of Allocation Policies in Wavelength Routing Networks*. Photonic Network Communications 2, 267–295 (2000). https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1010056408572
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1010056408572