We describe the parallelization of a first-order logic theorem prover that is based on the hyper-linking proof procedure (HLPP). Four parallel schemes – process level, clause level, literal level, and flow level – are developed for two types of sequential implementation of HLPP: list based and network based. The motivation for developing each parallel scheme is presented, and the architecture and implementation details of each scheme are described. Issues about parallel processing, such as serialization and synchronization, load balancing, and access conflicts, are examined. Speedups over sequential implementations are attained, and timing results for benchmark problems are provided.
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Wu, CH., Lee, SJ. Parallelization of a Hyper-Linking–Based Theorem Prover. Journal of Automated Reasoning 26, 67–106 (2001). https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1006469202251
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1006469202251