Memory expansions are classical means to extract parallelism from imperative programs. However, current techniques require some runtime mechanism to restore data flow when expansion maps have two definitions reaching the same use to two different memory locations (e.g., φ functions in the SSA framework). This paper presents an expansion framework for any type of data structure in any imperative program, without the need for dynamic data flow restoration. The key idea is to group together definitions that reach a common use. We show that such an expansion boils down to mapping each group to a memory cell.
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Barthou, D., Cohen, A. & Collard, JF. Maximal Static Expansion. International Journal of Parallel Programming 28, 213–243 (2000). https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1007500431910
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1007500431910