Automatic parallelization in the polyhedral model is based on affine transformations from an original computation domain (iteration space) to a target space-time domain, often with a different transformation for each variable. Code generation is an often ignored step in this process that has a significant impact on the quality of the final code. It involves making a trade-off between code size and control code simplification/optimization. Previous methods of doing code generation are based on loop splitting, however they have nonoptimal behavior when working on parameterized programs. We present a general parameterized method for code generation based on dual representation of polyhedra. Our algorithm uses a simple recursion on the dimensions of the domains, and enables fine control over the tradeoff between code size and control overhead.
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Quilleré, F., Rajopadhye, S. & Wilde, D. Generation of Efficient Nested Loops from Polyhedra. International Journal of Parallel Programming 28, 469–498 (2000). https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1007554627716
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1007554627716