The growing size of 3D digital images causes sequential algorithms to be less and less usable on whole images and a parallelization of these algorithm is often required. We have developed an algorithm named Sewing Faces which synthesizes both geometrical and topological information on bounding surface of 6-connected 3D objects. We call such combined information a skin. In this paper we present a parallelization of Sewing Faces. It is based on a splitting of 3D images into several sub-blocks. When all the sub-blocks are processed a gluing step consists of merging all the sub-skins to get the final skin. Moreover we propose a fine-grain approach where each sub-block is processed by several parallel processors.
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Mabin, F.H., Mongenet, C. A Parallel Algorithm to Reconstruct Bounding Surfaces in 3D Images. The Journal of Supercomputing 12, 137–155 (1998). https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1007993814307
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1007993814307