Object-oriented motion segmentation is a basic step of the effective coding of image-series. Following the MPEG-4 standard we should define such objects. In this paper, a fully parallel and locally connected computation model is described for segmenting frames of image sequences based on spatial and motion information. The first type of the algorithm is called early segmentation. It is based on spatial information only and aims at providing an over-segmentation of the frame in real-time. Even if the obtained results do not minimize the number of regions, it is a good starting point for higher level post processing, when the decision on how to regroup regions in object can rely on both spatial and temporal information. In the second type of the algorithm stochastic optimization methods are used to form homogenous dense optical vector fields which act directly on motion vectors instead of 2D or 3D motion parameters. This makes the algorithm simple and less time consuming than many other relaxation methods. Then we apply morphological operators to handle disocclusion effects and to map the motion field to the spatial content. Computer simulations of the CNN architecture demonstrate the usefulness of our methods. All solutions in our approach suggest a fully parallel implementation in a newly developed CNN-UM VLSI chip architecture.
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Szirányi, T., László, K., Czúni, L. et al. Object Oriented Motion-Segmentation for Video-Compression in the CNN-UM. The Journal of VLSI Signal Processing-Systems for Signal, Image, and Video Technology 23, 479–496 (1999). https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1008117724074
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1008117724074