In developing autonomous agents, one usually emphasizes only (situated) procedural knowledge, ignoring more explicit declarative knowledge. On the other hand, in developing symbolic reasoning models, one usually emphasizes only declarative knowledge, ignoring procedural knowledge. In contrast, we have developed a learning model CLARION, which is a hybrid connectionist model consisting of both localist and distributed representations, based on the two-level approach proposed in [40]. CLARION learns and utilizes both procedural and declarative knowledge, tapping into the synergy of the two types of processes, and enables an agent to learn in situated contexts and generalize resulting knowledge to different scenarios. It unifies connectionist, reinforcement, and symbolic learning in a synergistic way, to perform on-line, bottom-up learning. This summary paper presents one version of the architecture and some results of the experiments.
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Sun, R., Peterson, T. & Merrill, E. A Hybrid Architecture for Situated Learning of Reactive Sequential Decision Making. Applied Intelligence 11, 109–127 (1999). https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1008332731824
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1008332731824