This paper presents algorithms for computing separations between events that are constrained to obey prespecified relationships in their relative time of occurrence. The algorithms are useful for interface timing verification, where event separations are checked against timing requirements. The first algorithm computes separations when only linear and max constraints exist. The algorithm must converge to correct maximum separation values in a finite number of steps, or report an inconsistence of the constraints, irrespective of the existence of infinite constraint bounds or infinite event separations. It is conjectured to run in \(O(VE + V^2 {\text{ log }}V)\) time, where V is the number of events, and E is the number of relationships between them. The other algorithms extend the first, and compute event separations in the NP-complete version of the problem where min constraints exist. Experiments demonstrate the algorithms are efficient in practice.
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Yen, TY., Ishii, A., Casavant, A. et al. Efficient Algorithms for Interface Timing Verification. Formal Methods in System Design 12, 241–265 (1998). https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1008680300467
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1008680300467