We study some categorical aspects of quasi-uniform spaces (mainly separation and epimorphisms) via closure operators in the sense of Dikranjan, Giuli, and Tholen. In order to exploit better the corresponding properties known for topological spaces we describe the behaviour of closure operators under the lifting along the forgetful functor T from quasi-uniform spaces to topological spaces. By means of appropriate closure operators we compute the epimorphisms of many categories of quasi-uniform spaces defined by means of separation axioms and study the preservation (reflection) of epimorphisms under the functor T.
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Dikranjan, D., Künzi, HP. Separation and Epimorphisms in Quasi-Uniform Spaces. Applied Categorical Structures 8, 175–207 (2000). https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1008743408583
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1008743408583