Present work addresses the guidelines that have been followed to construct basic behavioral agents for visually guided navigation within the framework of a hierarchical architecture. Visual and motor interactions are described within this generic framework that allows for an incremental development of behavior from an initial basis set. Basic locomotion agents as, Stop&Backward, Avoid, and Forward are implemented by means of fuzzy knowledge bases to deal with the uncertainty and imprecision inherent to real systems and environments. Basic visual agents as, Saccadic, Find_Contour, and Center are raised under a space-variant representation pursuing an anthropomorphic approach. We illustrate how a complex behavior results from the combination of lower level agents always connected to the basic motor agents. The proposed methodology is validated on a caterpillar mobile robot in navigation tasks directed by an object description.
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Garcia-Alegre, M.C., Recio, F. Basic Visual and Motor Agents for Increasingly Complex Behavior Generation on a Mobile Robot. Autonomous Robots 5, 19–28 (1998). https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1008808908196
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1008808908196