The granularity of scheduling video streams can be categorized as cycle-scheduling and slot-scheduling where a time cycle is further divided into time slots. To avoid resource conflict and thereby increase throughput of clustered video servers, slot-scheduling using conflict-free scheduling and especially cycle-scheduling using full-duplex scheduling and ordered scheduling are presented in the paper. Also, the analysis of the pros and cons of applying slot-scheduling and cycle-scheduling on clustered video servers are discussed.
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Lin, CS., Wu, MY. & Shu, W. Efficient Algorithms for Slot-Scheduling and Cycle-Scheduling of Video Streams on Clustered Video Servers. Multimedia Tools and Applications 13, 213–227 (2001). https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1009697328962
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1009697328962