This paper presents an experimental study of constraint propagation algorithms for preemptive scheduling. We propose generalizations of non-preemptive constraint propagation techniques (based on timetables, on disjunctive constraints, and on edge-finding) to preemptive and “mixed” problems, i.e., problems in which some activities can be interrupted and some cannot. Another approach relies on incremental flow-based techniques. We theoretically compare these approaches and present an experimental comparison based on a branch and bound procedure for the preemptive variant of the job-shop scheduling problem. We show that both edge-finding and flow-based techniques allow the resolution of hard problem instances, including the preemptive variant of the famous FT10.
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Pape, C.L., Baptiste, P. Resource Constraints for Preemptive Job-shop Scheduling. Constraints 3, 263–287 (1998). https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1009723704757
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1009723704757