In this paper we consider the resource-constrained project scheduling problem with multiple execution modes for each activity and makespan minimization as objective. We present a new genetic algorithm approach to solve this problem. The genetic encoding is based on a precedence feasible list of activities and a mode assignment. After defining the related crossover, mutation, and selection operators, we describe a local search extension which is employed to improve the schedules found by the basic genetic algorithm. Finally, we present the results of our thorough computational study. We determine the best among several different variants of our genetic algorithm and compare it to four other heuristics that have recently been proposed in the literature. The results that have been obtained using a standard set of instances show that the new genetic algorithm outperforms the other heuristic procedures with regard to a lower average deviation from the optimal makespan.
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Hartmann, S. Project Scheduling with Multiple Modes: A Genetic Algorithm. Annals of Operations Research 102, 111–135 (2001). https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1010902015091
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1010902015091