The classical way of encoding preferences in decision theory is by means of utility or value functions. However agents are not always able to deliver such a function directly. In this paper, we relate three different ways of specifying preferences, namely by means of a set of particular types of constraints on the utility function, by means of an ordered set of prioritized goals expressed by logical propositions, and by means of an ordered set of subsets of possible choices reaching the same level of satisfaction. These different expression modes can be handled in a weighted logical setting, here the one of possibilistic logic. The aggregation of preferences pertaining to different criteria can then be handled by fusing sets of prioritized goals. Apart from a better expressivity, the benefits of a logical representation of preferences are to put them in a suitable format for reasoning purposes, or for modifying them.
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Benferhat, S., Dubois, D. & Prade, H. Towards a Possibilistic Logic Handling of Preferences. Applied Intelligence 14, 303–317 (2001). https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1011298804831
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1011298804831