The number of mobile devices connecting to networks independently of a fixed point of attachment is increasing. These wireless networks differ in bandwidth, size and location of the coverage area, access costs and network characteristics. Mobile multimedia devices such as PDA's, palmtops and laptops will also vary greatly in size and processing power. The common denominator however, is that all these devices will require the optimal delivery of networked multimedia data.
One interesting problem is the delay imposed upon mobile receivers when switching between wireless cells. We provide a solution to this in the form of an extension of Mobile IP's hand-off algorithm. Our solution involves the exploitation of mobility prediction to predict a mobile terminal's future location based on its previous history (i.e., the last cell that it has been in) and for the media stream to be already present and cached by next cells base station ready for receiving by the mobile device.
We cater specifically for continuous media applications, which can be especially effected by severe degradation in quality due to movement between cells. We present the results of a series of simulations of the Mobile IP++ protocol, which demonstrate the effectiveness of the ad-hoc protocol when mobile hosts move in predictable patterns between cells.
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Curran, K. Minimizing the Handoff Latency in Ad-Hoc Networks When Streaming Media to Mobile Devices. International Journal of Wireless Information Networks 8, 177–187 (2001). https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1012383032186
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1012383032186