A new normal form, namely, object-normal form (ONF), is introduced. It is shown that the existing definitions of the fifth normal form (5NF) are unsatisfactory. The correct definition is given for the first time. The importance of the 5NF is demonstrated. For improving data representation in a database with a 5NF schema, the notion of negating relation is introduced. It serves as a basis for the new normal form, namely, the sixth normal form. Combining requirements of the ONF and other normal forms, new normal forms are defined: the fourth object-normal form, the fifth object-normal form, and the sixth object-normal form. It is shown that the standard order of steps of the normalization procedure should be changed: first, the specific requirements of the fourth normal form should be satisfied, and only then the requirements of the second normal form, and so forth.
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Khodorovskii, V.V. On Normalization of Relations in Relational Databases. Programming and Computer Software 28, 41–52 (2002). https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1013759617481
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1013759617481