Several useful compiler and program transformation techniques for the superthreaded architectures are presented in this paper. The superthreaded architecture adopts a thread pipelining execution model to facilitate runtime data dependence checking between threads, and to maximize thread overlap to enhance concurrency. In this paper, we present some important program transformation techniques to facilitate concurrent execution among threads, and to manage critical system resources such as the memory buffers effectively. We evaluate the effectiveness of those program transformation techniques by applying them manually on several benchmark programs, and using a trace-driven, cycle-by-cycle superthreaded processor simulator. The simulation results show that a superthreaded processor can achieve promising speedup for most of the benchmark programs.
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Tsai, JY., Jiang, Z. & Yew, PC. Compiler Techniques for the Superthreaded Architectures1, 2 . International Journal of Parallel Programming 27, 1–19 (1999). https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1018730501763
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1018730501763