We propose and study the use of angle diversityto combat the ambient noise in indoor optical wirelesscommunication systems. Models for the radiation patternof spot lamps and for the spatial distribution of the ambient light based on an isotropic anda directional noise component are derived. Performanceevaluation of receivers using angle diversity is carriedout and significant optical power gains are demonstrated. The optical gains are seen toincrease with the relative weight of the directionalnoise within the cell, with the sharpness of thedirectional noise source beam width, and in environments where there are noise sources positionedoutside the cell. Also, the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)of a sectored receiver is seen to be much less sensitiveto the position and beam width of the noise sources than the SNR of a nonsectored receiver,allowing for more universal transceiverdesigns.
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Valadas, R.T., Tavares, A.R. & Duarte, A.M.D.O. Angle Diversity to Combat the Ambient Noise in Indoor Optical Wireless Communication Systems. International Journal of Wireless Information Networks 4, 275–288 (1997). https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1018828410565
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1018828410565