xoComm is a communication infrastructure for web applications based on the HTTP protocol. It provides an HTTP server and client access. Furthermore it is the basic communication service for the ActiWeb web object and mobile code system. The HTTP server component of xoComm is used to implement ActiWeb places. The places use the HTTP client access to provide the communication means for their agents. We present the design and architecture of xoComm on several crucial excerpts of the design. These are closely related to their implementation in the object-oriented scripting language XOTcl. We discuss how a dynamic and reflective environment, high-level language constructs, and concepts like design patterns influence the design and architecture.
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Neumann, G., Zdun, U. High-level design and architecture of an HTTP-based infrastructure for web applications. World Wide Web 3, 13–26 (2000). https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1019269327021
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1019269327021