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Capacity of Wireless Communication Systems Employing Antenna Arrays, a Tutorial Study

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Wireless Personal Communications Aims and scope Submit manuscript


A tutorial study is performed on thecapacity of multiple antenna wireless communication systems.Multiple antenna structures can be classified into single-inputmultiple-outputs (SIMO), multiple-inputs single-output (MISO), andmultiple-inputs multiple-outputs (MIMO) systems. Assuming that thechannel is known at receiver, capacity expressions are providedfor each structure, under the conditions of quasi-static flatfading. Also, information rate limits are provided in each casefor some suboptimal structures or detection techniques that may beused in practice. Using simulations for the case of flat Rayleighfading, capacities of optimal/suboptimal implementations arecontrasted for each multi-antenna structure. Discussions are madeon system design, regarding implementation complexity andpractical limitations on achieving these capacities. Inparticular, the problem of fading correlation and required antennaspacing, effect of fast channel fading, and lack of channelknowledge at receiver are discussed. Providing the results of themost recent researches considering the capacity of multi-antennasystems, as well as some new results, this paper can give a goodperspective for designing appropriate architectures in differentwireless communication applications.

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Khalighi, M.A., Raoof, K. & Jourdain, G. Capacity of Wireless Communication Systems Employing Antenna Arrays, a Tutorial Study. Wireless Personal Communications 23, 321–352 (2002).

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