There are two important strategies incomputer-assisted reading and analysis of text(CARAT). The first relates to theclassification process, and the second pertainsto the categorisation process. These twooften-interrelated operations have beenregularly recognised as essential components oftext analysis. However, the two operations arehighly time-consuming. A possible solution tothis problem calls upon more inductive orbottom-up strategies that are numerical andstatistical in nature. In our own research, wehave been exploring a few of these techniquesand their combination. We now know, through ourown past research and others' work, that theclassification methods allow a good empiricalthematic exploration of a corpus. Morespecifically, in this paper we shallconcentrate on the problem of assisting theautomatic categorisation of small segments of aphilosophical text into a set of thematiccategories.
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Pasquale, JF.d., Meunier, JG. Categorisation Techniques in Computer-Assisted Reading and Analysis of Texts (CARAT) in the Humanities. Computers and the Humanities 37, 111–118 (2003). https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1021855607270
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1021855607270