Future generation wireless multimediacommunications will require efficient Medium AccessControl (MAC) protocols able to guarantee suitable Qualityof Service (QoS) levels for different traffic classes whileachieving a high utilization of radio resources. This paperproposes a new scheduling technique to be adopted at the MAClevel in wireless access systems, named Dynamic Scheduling-Time DivisionDuplexing (DS-TDD), that efficiently managesvideo, voice, Web and background traffics. A theoretical approachis proposed in this paper to evaluate the DS-TDD performance withvoice and Web traffics. Simulation results have permitted tohighlight the following promising characteristics of the DS-TDDscheme: (i) a high capacity of real-time traffics isattained with a QoS insensitive to Web and background trafficloads; (ii) a high throughput can be guaranteed whilepreserving the QoS levels of the different traffic classes;(iii) heavier downlink traffic loads do not modify the QoSof uplink traffics. Finally, extensive comparisons with differentscheduling schemes proposed in the literature have permitted tohighlight the better performanceof DS-TDD.
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Fantacci, R., Giambene, G. & Petiti, F. Scheduling Algorithms for Packet-Oriented MAC Protocols in Wireless Multimedia Systems. Wireless Personal Communications 24, 363–388 (2003). https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1022886706413
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1022886706413