Given a closed convex set K in Rn; a vector function F:K×K → Rm; a closed convex (not necessarily pointed) cone P(x) in ℝm with non-empty interior, PP(x) ≠ Ø, various existence results to the problem
find x∈K such that F(x,y)∉- int P(x) ∀ y ∈K
under P(x)-convexity/lower semicontinuity of F(x,ċ) and pseudomonotonicity on F, are established. Moreover, under a stronger pseudomonotonicity assumption on F (which reduces to the previous one in case m=1), some characterizations of the non-emptiness of the solution set are given. Also, several alternative necessary and/or sufficient conditions for the solution set to be non-empty and compact are presented. However, the solution set fails to be convex in general. A sufficient condition to the solution set to be a singleton is also stated. The classical case P(x)=ℝm + is specially discussed by assuming semi-strict quasiconvexity. The results are then applied to vector variational inequalities and minimization problems. Our approach is based upon the computing of certain cones containing particular recession directions of K and F.
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Flores-Bazán, F., Flores-Bazán, F. Vector Equilibrium Problems Under Asymptotic Analysis. Journal of Global Optimization 26, 141–166 (2003). https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1023048928834
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1023048928834