We present a novel approach to face recognition by constructing facial identity structures across views and over time, referred to as identity surfaces, in a Kernel Discriminant Analysis (KDA) feature space. This approach is aimed at addressing three challenging problems in face recognition: modelling faces across multiple views, extracting non-linear discriminatory features, and recognising faces over time. First, a multi-view face model is designed which can be automatically fitted to face images and sequences to extract the normalised facial texture patterns. This model is capable of dealing with faces with large pose variation. Second, KDA is developed to compute the most significant non-linear basis vectors with the intention of maximising the between-class variance and minimising the within-class variance. We applied KDA to the problem of multi-view face recognition, and a significant improvement has been achieved in reliability and accuracy. Third, identity surfaces are constructed in a pose-parameterised discriminatory feature space. Dynamic face recognition is then performed by matching the object trajectory computed from a video input and model trajectories constructed on the identity surfaces. These two types of trajectories encode the spatio-temporal dynamics of moving faces.
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Li, Y., Gong, S. & Liddell, H. Constructing Facial Identity Surfaces for Recognition. International Journal of Computer Vision 53, 71–92 (2003). https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1023083725143
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1023083725143