Purkinje cells aligned on the medio-lateral axis share a large proportion of their ∼175,000 parallel fiber inputs. This arrangement has led to the hypothesis that movement timing is coded in the cerebellum by beams of synchronously active parallel fibers. In computer simulations I show that such synchronous activation leads to a narrow spike cross-correlation between pairs of Purkinje cells. This peak was completely absent when shared parallel fiber input was active in an asynchronous mode. To determine the presence of synchronous parallel fiber beams {in vivo} I recorded from pairs of Purkinje cells in crus IIa of anesthetized rats. I found a complete absence of precise spike synchronization, even when both cells were strongly modulated in their spike rate by trains of air-puff stimuli to the face. These results indicate that Purkinje cell spiking is not controlled by volleys of synchronous parallel fiber inputs in the conditions examined. Instead, the data support a model by which granule cells primarily control Purkinje cell spiking via dynamic population rate changes.
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Jaeger, D. No Parallel Fiber Volleys in the Cerebellar Cortex: Evidence from Cross-Correlation Analysis between Purkinje Cells in a Computer Model and in Recordings from Anesthetized Rats. J Comput Neurosci 14, 311–327 (2003). https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1023217111784
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1023217111784