This paper analyzes the impact of the communication system on distributed virtual environments. We present a platform model that express the communication requirements of this kind of applications and evaluate it via simulation. Performance measurements varied the number of participants, the partition of the virtual environment, a participant's speed, and the size of the virtual world. Results show that the division of the environment improves the delay both to enter and to exchange groups, and reduces the number of messages exchanged. This partition allows both a participant's speed and the number of participants to increase, thereby ensuring a good interactivity.
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Teixeira, R.C., Duarte, O.C.M. Evaluating the Impact of the Communication System on Distributed Virtual Environments. Multimedia Tools and Applications 19, 259–278 (2003). https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1023277330439
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1023277330439