A multi-user 3-D virtual environment allows remote participants to have a transparent communication as if they are communicating face-to-face. The sense of presence in such an environment can be established by representing each participant with a vivid human-like character called an avatar. We review several immersive technologies, including directional sound, eye gaze, hand gestures, lip synchronization and facial expressions, that facilitates multimodal interaction among participants in the virtual environment using speech processing and animation techniques. Interactive collaboration can be further encouraged with the ability to share and manipulate 3-D objects in the virtual environment. A shared whiteboard makes it easy for participants in the virtual environment to convey their ideas graphically. We survey various kinds of capture devices used for providing the input for the shared whiteboard. Efficient storage of the whiteboard session and precise archival at a later time bring up interesting research topics in information retrieval.
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Leung, W.H., Chen, T. A Multi-User 3-D Virtual Environment with Interactive Collaboration and Shared Whiteboard Technologies. Multimedia Tools and Applications 20, 7–23 (2003). https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1023466231968
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1023466231968