This paper concerns multivariate homogeneous refinement equations of the form
and multivariate nonhomogeneous refinement equations of the form
where ϕ=(ϕ1,...,ϕ r )T is the unknown, M is an s×s dilation matrix with m=|det M|, g=(g 1,...,g r )T is a given compactly supported vector-valued function on R s, and a is a finitely supported refinement mask such that each a(α) is an r×r (complex) matrix. In this paper, we characterize the optimal smoothness of a multiple refinable function associated with homogeneous refinement equations in terms of the spectral radius of the corresponding transition operator restricted to a suitable finite-dimensional invariant subspace when M is an isotropic dilation matrix. Nonhomogeneous refinement equations naturally occur in multi-wavelets constructions. Let ϕ0 be an initial vector of functions in the Sobolev space (W 2 k(R s))r(k∈N). The corresponding cascade algorithm is given by
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Li, S. Characterization of Smoothness of Multivariate Refinable Functions and Convergence of Cascade Algorithms of Nonhomogeneous Refinement Equations. Advances in Computational Mathematics 20, 311–331 (2004). https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1027373528712
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1027373528712