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Deep learning STEM-EDX tomography of nanocrystals


Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) is often performed simultaneously with high-angle annular dark-field scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) for nanoscale physico-chemical analysis. However, high-quality STEM-EDX tomographic imaging is still challenging due to fundamental limitations such as sample degradation with prolonged scan time and the low probability of X-ray generation. To address this, we propose an unsupervised deep learning method for high-quality 3D EDX tomography of core–shell nanocrystals, which can be usually permanently dammaged by prolonged electron beam. The proposed deep learning STEM-EDX tomography method was used to accurately reconstruct Au nanoparticles and InP/ZnSe/ZnS core–shell quantum dots, used in commercial display devices. Furthermore, the shape and thickness uniformity of the reconstructed ZnSe/ZnS shell closely correlates with optical properties of the quantum dots, such as quantum efficiency and chemical stability.

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Fig. 1: Deep learning STEM-EDX tomography workflow.
Fig. 2: Commercially available QD reconstruction results.
Fig. 3: Proposed 3D STEM-EDX reconstruction results of two types of QDs.

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The data acquired before and after processing, used to make figures in this paper are publicly shared in the same repository where our code is uploaded ( and under the directory ‘Deep_Learning_STEM-EDX_Tomography/Recon_data’.

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This research was supported by Samsung.

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Authors and Affiliations



J.C.Y. and E.L. supervised the project in conception and discussion. J.J., E.L. and J.C.Y. co-conceived the project. Y.H., E.C. and H.C. performed experiments for 3D tomography reconstruction. T.-G.K. and S.J. prepared the SAIT QD samples. J.L. performed TEM experiment and image reconstruction using SIRT. M.J., B.G.C. and H.G.K. performed TEM experiments. M.J. and J.J. performed image analysis. S.H. discussed the experiment and co-directed the project. Y.H., J.J., E.C., J.L., H.C., E.L. and J.C.Y. wrote manuscript.

Corresponding authors

Correspondence to Eunha Lee or Jong Chul Ye.

Ethics declarations

Competing interests

Y.H., E.C., H.C. and J.C.Y. were supported by a research grant from Samsung Electronics. J.J., J.L., M.J., T.-G.K., B.G.C., H.G.K., S.J., S.H. and E.L. are employees of the Samsung Electronics. The authors declare no other competing interests.

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Extended data

Extended Data Fig. 1 3D reconstruction results of Au-Nanorod for HAADF and EDX measurement.

(a) HAADF ground-truth, and (b) proposed EDX reconstruction.

Extended Data Fig. 2 Comparison of reconstructions using conventional methods and the proposed method.

(a-c) Conventional reconstruction results for SIRT, l1 regularization, and total variation (TV) penalty with spatial 11 × 11 average filter to reduce the measurement noises and (d) our reconstruction results of commercially available QDs. (i) shows the 3D rendering results, and red, green, and blue boxes in (i) indicate (ii) xy- (iii) yz-, and (iv) xz-plane cut-view images, respectively. Yellow box illustrates the magnified images. Se, S, and Zn refer selenium, sulphur, and zinc components, respectively.

Extended Data Fig. 3 Conventional EDX images of sQD1 and sQD2.

(a) sQD1 and (b) sQD2 images acquired using Titan Cubed TEM 60-300 at 300kV, 8 μs dwell time. Se, S, and Zn refer selenium, sulphur, and zinc components, respectively.

Extended Data Fig. 4 Conventional method for analysing QD shape information in TEM images.

sQD images were acquired using Titan Cubed TEM 60-300 at 300 kV, 8 μs dwell time. Total number of particles are 338 and 264 for sQD1 and sQD2, respectively. The image analysis was done with Image J. To isolate particle and background, we calculate mean value of the total images to use as the threshold value. The diameter is calculated as equivalent circular area diameter using the number of counted pixels on each particle.

Extended Data Fig. 5 Photoluminescence characteristics of sQD1 and sQD2.

(a) and (b) are PL-PLE maps of sQD1 and sQD2 dispersed in toluene. Yellow arrows indicate the characteristic points of sQD2 compared sQD1. (c) Absorption and PL spectra for sQD1 and sQD2. (d) Comparison of their quantum efficiency.

Extended Data Fig. 6 SIRT 3D STEM-EDX reconstruction results with spatial 11 × 11 average filter.

(a) and (b) show the reconstruction results using sQD1 and sQD2, respectively. (i) shows the 3D rendering results, and red, green, and blue boxes in (i) indicate (ii) xy-, (iii) yz-, and (iv) xz-plane cut-view images, respectively. Yellow boxes illustrate the magnified images. Se, S, and Zn refer selenium, sulphur, and zinc components, respectively.

Extended Data Fig. 7 sQD1-1 thickness maps on spherical coordinates Φ and θ.

(a-c) sQD1-1 particle 2-D transformed element images; Red, green, and blue represent Se, S, and Zn, respectively. Se, S, and Zn thickness maps at 0≤Φ < 360 and − 90θ≤90. (d-f) Histogram of Se, S, and Zn thickness maps. Insets are projection images of Se, S, and Zn along z-axis. Colorbars are the number of accumulated pixels at each Φ and θ values.

Extended Data Fig. 8 sQD1-2 thickness maps on spherical coordinate Φ and θ.

(a-c) sQD1-2 particle 2-D transformed element images; Red, green, and blue represent Se, S, and Zn, respectively. Se, S, and Zn thickness maps at 0≤Φ < 360 and − 90θ≤90. (d-f) Histogram of Se, S, and Zn thickness maps. Insets are projection images of Se, S, and Zn along z-axis. Colorbars are the number of accumulated pixels at each Φ and θ values.

Extended Data Fig. 9 sQD2-1 thickness maps on spherical coordinate Φ and θ.

(a-c) sQD2-1 particle 2-D transformed element images; Red, green, and blue represent Se, S, and Zn, respectively. Se, S, and Zn thickness maps at 0≤Φ < 360 and − 90θ≤90. (d-f) Histogram of Se, S, and Zn thickness maps. Insets are projection images of Se, S, and Zn along z-axis. Colorbars are the number of accumulated pixels at each Φ and θ values.

Extended Data Fig. 10 sQD2-2 thickness maps on spherical coordinate Φ and θ.

(a-c) sQD2-2 particle 2-D transformed element images; Red, green, and blue represent Se, S, and Zn, respectively. Se, S, and Zn thickness maps at 0≤Φ < 360 and − 90θ≤90. (d-f) Histogram of Se, S, and Zn thickness maps. Insets are projection images of Se, S, and Zn along z-axis. Colorbars are the number of accumulated pixels at each Φ and θ values.

Supplementary information

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Supplementary Figs. 1–13, discussion and Table 1.

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Han, Y., Jang, J., Cha, E. et al. Deep learning STEM-EDX tomography of nanocrystals. Nat Mach Intell 3, 267–274 (2021).

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