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Optimized spiking neurons can classify images with high accuracy through temporal coding with two spikes


Spike-based neuromorphic hardware promises to reduce the energy consumption of image classification and other deep-learning applications, particularly on mobile phones and other edge devices. However, direct training of deep spiking neural networks is difficult, and previous methods for converting trained artificial neural networks to spiking neurons were inefficient because the neurons had to emit too many spikes. We show that a substantially more efficient conversion arises when one optimizes the spiking neuron model for that purpose, so that it not only matters for information transmission how many spikes a neuron emits, but also when it emits those spikes. This advances the accuracy that can be achieved for image classification with spiking neurons, and the resulting networks need on average just two spikes per neuron for classifying an image. In addition, our new conversion method improves latency and throughput of the resulting spiking networks.

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Fig. 1: Encoding of different input values (current steps of different amplitudes) by temporal spike patterns in a biological neuron.
Fig. 2: Conversion of an ANN neuron into an FS-neuron.
Fig. 3: Internal dynamics of FS-neurons.
Fig. 4: Approximations \({\boldsymbol{\hat{f}(x)}}\) of different activation functions by FS-neurons.
Fig. 5: Number of spikes needed by FS-neurons for image classification and influence of K and bit precision Q on performance.

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Data availability

Both ImageNet37 and CIFAR1013 are publicly available datasets. No additional datasets were generated or analysed during the current study. The data for the spike response depicted in Figure 1 have been published by the Allen Institute for Brain Science in 2015 (Allen Cell Types Database; available from: The implementation and pre-trained weights of the EfficientNet-B7 and ResNets are available from:

Code availability

The code this work is based on is publicly available (; Additionally, the code is available in a Code Ocean compute capsule (


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We would like to thank F. Scherr for helpful discussions. We thank T. Bohnstingl, E. Eleftheriou, S. Furber, C. Pehle, P. Plank and J. Schemmell for advice regarding implementation aspects of FS-neurons in various types of neuromorphic hardware. This research was partially supported by the Human Brain Project of the European Union (grant agreement number 785907).

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C.S. conceived the main idea. C.S. and W.M. designed the model and planned the experiments. C.S. carried out the experiments. C.S. and W.M. wrote the paper.

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Correspondence to Wolfgang Maass.

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Extended Data Fig. 1

Comparison with other conversion methods. We did not find information regarding the number of time steps used for the BinaryConnect model4.

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Stöckl, C., Maass, W. Optimized spiking neurons can classify images with high accuracy through temporal coding with two spikes. Nat Mach Intell 3, 230–238 (2021).

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