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Medical artificial intelligence is as much social as it is technological

Despite the promise of medical artificial intelligence applications, their acceptance in real-world clinical settings is low, with lack of transparency and trust being barriers that need to be overcome. We discuss the importance of the collaborative process in medical artificial intelligence, whereby experts from various fields work together and tackle transparency issues and build trust over time.

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We thank J. Anderson for helpful feedback. The research informing this Comment was supported by a Wellcome Grant for the project ‘AI in the Clinic’ (grant number WT/213606).

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Correspondence to Peter D. Winter.

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Nature Machine Intelligence thanks James Anderson for their contribution to the peer review of this work.

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Carusi, A., Winter, P.D., Armstrong, I. et al. Medical artificial intelligence is as much social as it is technological. Nat Mach Intell 5, 98–100 (2023).

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