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Systematic analysis of 32,111 AI model cards characterizes documentation practice in AI


The rapid proliferation of AI models has underscored the importance of thorough documentation, which enables users to understand, trust and effectively use these models in various applications. Although developers are encouraged to produce model cards, it’s not clear how much or what information these cards contain. In this study we conduct a comprehensive analysis of 32,111 AI model documentations on Hugging Face, a leading platform for distributing and deploying AI models. Our investigation sheds light on the prevailing model card documentation practices. Most AI models with a substantial number of downloads provide model cards, although with uneven informativeness. We find that sections addressing environmental impact, limitations and evaluation exhibit the lowest filled-out rates, whereas the training section is the one most consistently filled-out. We analyse the content of each section to characterize practitioners’ priorities. Interestingly, there are considerable discussions of data, sometimes with equal or even greater emphasis than the model itself. Our study provides a systematic assessment of community norms and practices surroinding model documentation through large-scale data science and linguistic analysis.

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Fig. 1: Overview of 74,970 AI models hosted on Hugging Face.
Fig. 2: Section analysis of Hugging Face model cards.
Fig. 3: Uncovering key themes in model card sections through topic modelling analysis.

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Data availability

The Hugging Face model cards data are public on Hugging Face at https://Hugging and can be accessed through the Hugging Face Hub API at https://Hugging Face_hub/package_reference/hf_api.

Code availability

The analysis code is publicly available at Face (ref. 62).


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We thank D. McFarland and H. Fang for discussions. J.Z. is supported by the National Science Foundation (grant nos. CCF 1763191 and CAREER 1942926), the US National Institutes of Health (grant nos. P30AG059307 and U01MH098953), and grants from Stanford HAI and the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative.

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Authors and Affiliations



W.L., N.R., X.Y. and D.S.S. designed the study framework and oversaw the systematic analysis. W.L. and X.Y. conducted the linguistic analysis of the model cards. W.L., X.Y. and J.Z. wrote the paper, with substantial input from all authors. N.R., E.O., E.W. and Y.C. contributed to data collection and preprocessing for the intervention study. J.Z. provided the overall direction and planning of the project.

Corresponding author

Correspondence to James Zou.

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Competing interests

N.R. and E.O. are employees of Hugging Face. The other authors declare no competing interests.

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Nature Machine Intelligence thanks Odd Erik Gunderson, Arvind Narayanan, and the other, anonymous, reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer review of this work.

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Extended data

Extended Data Fig. 1 Adherence to Hugging Face Model Card Norms.

This figure reveals that there is considerable room for improvement in model card adherence to established community norms. Specifically, only 20% of the top 100 model cards and 10.2% of the top 500 model cards fully incorporate all recommended sections. Furthermore, there is a significant correlation between a model card’s adherence to community standards and the model’s downloads. The fraction of model cards that adhere to the community norms, grouped by download frequency, is displayed on the y-axis with error bars representing the SEM within each group.

Extended Data Fig. 2 Differences in Model Card Practices Between Organizational and Individual Accounts.

This figure illustrates the disparities in model card practices between organizational and individual accounts. Download rankings are based on the entirety of model cards. For each account type, we count models of this type in every download group and calculate the percentage meeting to specified criteria. It highlights (a) The Degree of Adherence to Model Card Standards and (b) The Completion Rate of the Limitations Section. Organizational accounts show significantly greater compliance with model card norms, especially noted in their more thorough documentation of limitations across various download groups.

Extended Data Fig. 3 In-depth Analysis of Section Word Counts in Model Cards.

(a) Comparative Assessment of Average Section Lengths in Model Cards Based on Word Count. This figure displays the average section length, measured in word count, among completed sections for all model cards, the top 1000 model cards, and the top 100 model cards. Sections such as How to Start, Training, and Limitations are substantially longer, while Citation, Evaluation, Environmental Impact, and Intended Uses are relatively shorter. Interestingly, despite its lower completion rate, the Limitations section exhibits one of the highest average word counts (161 words in the top 1000 model cards). (b-c) Disparate Community Attention Patterns Across Model Card Sections, Analysed for both the top 100 model cards (b) and all model cards (c). The Environmental Impact section demonstrates both a low completion rate and a low average word count, indicating limited community attention. In contrast, the Training section displays high completion rates and average word counts, signifying greater community engagement.

Extended Data Fig. 4 Temporal Trends of Fraction of Model Cards Containing Limitation Section.

This figure illustrates the quarterly trends in the proportion of model cards that contain a limitations section, from 2020 to 2022. It highlights a noticeable decline in the occurrence of Limitation sections in model cards over time. Error bars in the plot represent the SEM, indicating the variability of the data within each quarter.

Extended Data Fig. 5 Model Card Intervention Study.

(a) Experimental design: A schematic representation of the Model Card Intervention Study, delineating the selection of models, division into treatment (two batches) and control groups, and model card intervention process. Analysis is conducted on the document level (26 in batch 1, 16 in batch 2, and 92 in control). (b) Outcome: Box plots displaying the percentage change in average weekly downloads for the treatment and control groups in Batches 1 and 2. For each colour-filled box, three horizontal lines correspond to the 25th, 50th, and 75th percentiles; the upper (lower) whiskers extend from the 75th (25th) percentiles to the largest (smallest) value no further than 1.5 × interquartile range. Statistical significance (two-sided p-values) derived from a difference-in-difference analysis (using robust linear regression) is included for both batches. Overall, our analysis revealed a moderate effect of model cards on model downloads.

Extended Data Table 1 Temporal trends in the completion rates of different model card sections
Extended Data Table 2 Highly Downloaded Models Have Longer Model Cards
Extended Data Table 3 Correlation between the comprehensiveness of model card sections and model downloads
Extended Data Table 4 Temporal Trends in the Proportion of Discussions Related to Data in Limitation and Training Sections

Supplementary information

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Additional information on the model card intervention study.

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Liang, W., Rajani, N., Yang, X. et al. Systematic analysis of 32,111 AI model cards characterizes documentation practice in AI. Nat Mach Intell 6, 744–753 (2024).

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