Abu Shattal, Mohammad Lecturer, Computer Science and Engineering Lecturer, Accounting and Management Information Systems Faculty Lecturers abushattal.1@osu.edu Dreese Laboratories
Ahmed, Abdullah REU Undergraduate Fellow, Computer Science and Engineering ahmed.898@osu.edu Dreese Laboratories
AL-Baghdadi, Ahmed Lecturer, Computer Science and Engineering al-baghdadi.3@osu.edu Dreese Laboratories
Alilooee, Ali Lecturer, Computer Science and Engineering Lecturers Faculty alilooee.1@osu.edu Dreese Laboratories
Angueira Irizarry, Kevyn Associate Applications Developer, Computer Science and Engineering angueirairizarry.1@osu.edu Dreese Laboratories
Antoine, Nodie Administrative Assistant, Computer Science and Engineering antoine.28@osu.edu 395 Dreese Laboratories
Armstrong, Julia Managing Director, ICDT, Computer Science and Engineering Administrative Staff armstrong.798@osu.edu Dreese Laboratories
Arora, Anish Distinguished Professor of Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering Chair, Computer Science and Engineering Faculty Tenure-track (614) 292-1836 arora.9@osu.edu Dreese Laboratories
Athreya, Kannan Professor, Computer Science and Engineering Faculty Tenure-track (614) 688-3502 athreya.14@osu.edu Dreese Laboratories
Atiq, Syedah Zahra Professional Practice Assistant Professor, Computer Science and Engineering Faculty Clinical Faculty atiq.2@osu.edu Dreese Laboratories
Barker, Joe Lecturer, Computer Science and Engineering Faculty Lecturers barker.348@osu.edu Dreese Laboratories
Bassily, Raef Associate Professor, Computer Science and Engineering Faculty Tenure-track (614) 292-0248 bassily.1@osu.edu Dreese Laboratories
Bates, Kailyn Undergraduate Academic Advisor 2, Computer Science and Engineering bates.700@osu.edu Dreese Laboratories
Bentley, Jennifer Senior Lecturer, Computer Science and Engineering Faculty Lecturers bentley.262@osu.edu Dreese Laboratories
Berger-Wolf, Tanya Academic Director, Academic Affairs Administration Professor, Computer Science and Engineering Professor, Evolution Ecology and Organismal Biology Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering Faculty Tenure-track berger-wolf.1@osu.edu Pomerene Hall
Bihari, Thomas Professional Practice Associate Professor, Computer Science and Engineering Faculty Clinical Faculty bihari.5@osu.edu Dreese Laboratories
Blanas, Spyros Associate Professor, Computer Science and Engineering Faculty Tenure-track (614) 292-6381 blanas.2@osu.edu Dreese Laboratories
Boggus, Matt Professional Practice Assistant Professor, Computer Science and Engineering Faculty Lecturers Clinical Faculty boggus.2@osu.edu Dreese Laboratories
Boghrat, Diane Program Manager, Imageomics Institute, Computer Science and Engineering (614) 292-1343 boghrat.1@osu.edu Pomerene Hall
Bojja Venkatakrishnan, Shaileshh Assistant Professor, Computer Science and Engineering Faculty Tenure-track bojjavenkatakrishnan.2@osu.edu Dreese Laboratories
Bond, Michael Professor, Computer Science and Engineering Faculty Tenure-track bond.213@osu.edu Dreese Laboratories