1 April 2008 Nearest-neighbor and bilinear resampling factor estimation to detect blockiness or blurriness of an image
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In digital publishing, a low-resolution image is highly undesirable. Inexperienced users often try to include low-resolution images from the Internet or digital cameras in documents they are composing. Current preflight tools are able to single them out, but what if those low-resolution images have been interpolated? They may have a sufficient resolution, but their quality has been compromised, especially images interpolated by nearest-neighbor (which includes pixel replication) and bilinear interpolation. The interpolated images often display blocky artifacts, blurry artifacts, or loss of texture. We outline novel nearest-neighbor and bilinear interpolation detection algorithms that are designed to estimate rational resampling factors (above 1×) in both the vertical and horizontal dimensions. The robustness of these algorithms to several common postprocessing algorithms is also evaluated.
©(2008) Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)
Ariawan Suwendi and Jan P. Allebach "Nearest-neighbor and bilinear resampling factor estimation to detect blockiness or blurriness of an image," Journal of Electronic Imaging 17(2), 023005 (1 April 2008). https://doi.org/10.1117/1.2912053
Published: 1 April 2008
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Factor analysis

Detection and tracking algorithms

Image processing

Digital watermarking

Digital imaging

Image analysis

Image segmentation

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