1 April 2008 Mixed image element encryption algorithm based on an elliptic curve cryptosystem
GuiLiang Zhu, XiaoQiang Zhang
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By defining block image element, mixed image element (MIE), and composite image element (CIE), we propose a MIE encryption algorithm based on an elliptic curve cryptosystem (ECC), which extends the single image encryption algorithm to a multiple images encryption algorithm. The recipient’s (Bob’s) and the sender’s (Alice’s) detailed encryption and decryption steps and the core technology on the network platform are discussed. The correctness of this algorithm is verified. Experimental results and theoretical analysis show that the algorithm possesses large enough key space and can accomplish a high level of security concerning information interaction on the network platform. It can be particularly applicable to the highly confidential fields of information interaction. Finally, some problems in algorithm implementation are analyzed, and the prospects concerning the anomalous image element, rotary image element, and CIE encryption algorithms based on ECC are briefly described.
©(2008) Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)
GuiLiang Zhu and XiaoQiang Zhang "Mixed image element encryption algorithm based on an elliptic curve cryptosystem," Journal of Electronic Imaging 17(2), 023007 (1 April 2008). https://doi.org/10.1117/1.2931495
Published: 1 April 2008
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Image encryption

Image segmentation

Information security

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Image restoration

Network security

Image processing algorithms and systems


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