19 July 2013 Research on more features extraction and quick recognition algorithm of frontal face based on robustness
Xianguo Lv, Hui Zhao, Yuanzhen Dang
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Proceedings Volume 8878, Fifth International Conference on Digital Image Processing (ICDIP 2013); 887836 (2013)
Event: Fifth International Conference on Digital Image Processing, 2013, Beijing, China
The identification of face recognition refers to the computer technology of using of analysis and comparison face visual feature information for the identification. It can detect the human target, extract features and identify persons. This paper presents a method of feature extraction and quick recognition for frontal face, which has a good robustness for some unexpected faces. For frontal face, the paper selects face contour, ears and triangle area between two eyes and nose as the features to be extracted. Extracting these features by different algorithms and analyzing the importance of them. According to the importance, different weights are put to these features. Finally, fuse these features for face recognition, in order to improving the recognition and ensuring the quick recognition.
© (2013) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Xianguo Lv, Hui Zhao, and Yuanzhen Dang "Research on more features extraction and quick recognition algorithm of frontal face based on robustness", Proc. SPIE 8878, Fifth International Conference on Digital Image Processing (ICDIP 2013), 887836 (19 July 2013);
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Facial recognition systems

Feature extraction

Detection and tracking algorithms


Image fusion

Image processing

Analytical research

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