12 March 2014 Target registration error for rigid shape-based registration with heteroscedastic noise
Burton Ma, Joy Choi, Hong Ming Huai
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We propose an analytic equation for approximating expected root mean square (RMS) target registration error (TRE) for rigid shape-based registration where measured noisy data points are matched to a rigid shape. The noise distribution of the data points is assumed to be zero-mean, independent, and non-identical; i.e., the noise covariance may be different for each data point. The equation was derived by extending a previously published spatial stiffness model of registration. The equation was validated by performing registration experiments with both synthetic registration data and data collected using an optically tracked pointing stylus. The synthetic registration data were generated from the surface of an ellipsoid. The optically tracked data were collected from three plastic replicas of human radii and registered to isosurface models of the radii computed from CT scans. Noise covariances for the data points were computed by considering the pose of the tracked stylus, the positions of the individual fiducial markers on the stylus coordinate reference frame, and the calibrated position of the stylus tip; these quantities and an estimate of the fiducial localization covariance of the tracking system were used as inputs to a previously published algorithm for estimating the covariance of TRE for point-based (fiducial) registration. Registration simulations were performed using a modified version of the iterated closest point algorithm and the resulting RMS TREs were compared to the values predicted by our analytic equation.
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Burton Ma, Joy Choi, and Hong Ming Huai "Target registration error for rigid shape-based registration with heteroscedastic noise", Proc. SPIE 9036, Medical Imaging 2014: Image-Guided Procedures, Robotic Interventions, and Modeling, 90360U (12 March 2014); Logo
Cited by 4 scholarly publications.
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Image registration

Mahalanobis distance

Detection and tracking algorithms

Error analysis

Optical tracking

Computed tomography

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